Mix and Match

I'm an Austin-based songwriter, singer, voiceover artist...and the creator of the Work Play Every Day Planner. I am so glad you are here.
This planner is the culmination of many loves of mine:
- stationery
- planning for productivity
- creativity
- self-improvement and introspection
- community
- office and art supplies
- journaling
- ...and getting stuff done.
Join me on a journey incorporating a more efficient workflow into your lifewhile mindfully developing a practice of creativity.
Ever since I was a little girl, I've been in a love affair with stationery, art supplies, and office equipment. I've hoarded it all. Despite flings with planner systems, I often made my own because I never found one with all the elements I wanted in one place. I adopted and developed a practice similar to bullet-journaling, with lots of personal touches and tweaks.
Friends have always loved peeking in my planner, seeing my doodles, layouts (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly), goal and habit tracking, and more. Many asked if I'd set one up for them, but I set up layouts as I went through the year, so I didn't know in advance on which pages weeks or months would land. I wished there was a way to share the creative journey of my planner with others -- not just with online doodle challenges (which are great!), but with meaningful, deep-dive stuff I explore in my pages.
I also dreamed of designing a productivity format I could share. It occurred to me I could set up a yearly planner with most of the elements I treasure in mine, based on an average of how months and weeks landed in my journals over the years. I inserted blank dot-grid pages around the pace I'd used in past years. Finally, I could invite others to go through the year together, responding to creative prompts while becoming more productive, organized, and balanced in our lives. Thirty-five-plus years of obsession with stationery...and we are finally building a community around something I love.
If you have any questions about your WPED as we go through the year together, don't hesitate to contact me. This is a passion project for me, and nothing would make me happier than to help you get the most out of your planner and your year.
With love,